Xianke Instrument
We insist on innovation and serve the society with excellent products
Xianke Instrument
We insist on innovation and serve the society with excellent products


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Grinding mill series
SCQP-2 series rock core splitting machine
The SCQP series core splitting machine is to put the shorter core under the knife edge, and then rotate the handle to fix the core, and rotate the large handwheel hard, and the core is longitudinally separated from it and slides along the plate to both sides of the splitting machine. This splitting machine cuts cores with a length of 120 mm and a core diameter of 80 mm, which is convenient and simple to operate, fast and efficient in cutting cores.
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SCQP-1 Core Hydraulic Splitting Machine
The SCQP-1 core hydraulic splitting machine is used by laboratories and field sites to split the core into small pieces for easy mining sample preservation, slice identification or crushing testing.
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MH-II automatic digital Losangeles abrasion machine
Thismachineismainlyapplicabletodeterminethewearrateofstone,therearemainlyironroller,putaside,soundinsulation,sealingcover,stents,gearbox,motorplaceofpartofthedevice,controller,etc. Themaintechnicalpar
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SCF-1 type solid sample pulverizer
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SCF-2 sealing type grinding mill
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60*100 jaw crusher
Thismachineisusedforcementplantlaboratoryofcementclinkerandbroken,canalsobeusedforcrushingcompressivestrengthlessthan250mpaoreorrocksample. Inletsize(widthxlength):60x100mm Thelargestfeedparticlesize:
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 Taizhou Xianke Instrument Factory

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Liangxu Sanlin Industrial Park, Jiangyan District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province

2022  Taizhou Xianke Instrument Factory      苏ICP备13056684号-1        www.300.cn